Trying to update the page, I just added the link to my Letterboxd profile. Visible with just a link icon between Twitter and Flickr.
Here it is.
Trying to update the page, I just added the link to my Letterboxd profile. Visible with just a link icon between Twitter and Flickr.
Here it is.
Descubro en Twitter que se cumplen 20 años de la primera publicación en la web del New York Times. Y recuerdo de repente aquel momento en que envié mi primer correo electrónico, allá por octubre de 1993.
Hacía muy poco tiempo, quizá nada más que 3 ó 4 años antes, que la web se había abierto al gran mundo y se había empezado a utilizar fuera del entorno militar o puramente académico. Yo la descubrí al llegar a la Universidad, en aquel octubre del ’93, y aquello parecía cosa de magia.
Hoy, casi 23 años después, enviamos a través de internet dossieres de medicamentos para su registro, nos comunicamos por WhatsApp, publicamos contenidos en redes sociales, pagamos impuestos, la luz, o lo que se tercie. Cobramos nuestro sueldo, pagamos la hipoteca, y compramos entradas de cine por la misma vía y sin moverte de casa. ¡No sabríamos vivir sin internet!
Casualidades de la vida: justo hace un momento mi madre, mirando su Facebook, me comentaba que un contacto suyo ha publicado un video de YouTube de alguien que se pregunta qué pasaría si nos quedáramos sin internet…
Y ante eso yo solo puedo pensar que, si en estos 23 años desde que descubrí la red de redes ha habido tantos cambios –velocidad 4G en el móvil, fibra óptica, tablets, documentos en la nube…– qué no veremos en los próximos 23.
Espero estar allí para verlo y disfrutarlo. Y volver a maravillarme, como lo hice entonces.
All of Omni’s currently shipping iPad apps will be updated to be Universal apps, designed to feel at home on both iPad and iPhone. If you already own any of our current iPad apps, you will soon be able to use them on your iPhone at no additional cost.
Ken Case on behalf of OmniGroup
Since my first iPad back in 2012, I have been using all their great apps, but the expense on their updates has been also great. It is good to have any discount.
Not sure if the idea of bundles has come from Apple, or Apple has only answered to the developers and customers asking for a better pricing.
This is BIG news anyway.
After watching the OmniFocus Field Guide from MacSparky I have been cleaning my OmniFocus database quite seriously. Honest, specially my Contexts were a total mess. Most importantly, I had included some items that are not really tasks but reference material with links that can go somewhere else.
Therefore, I was trying to imagine a way to extract the information without loosing anything and then I found the Export option under File menu.
A project containing several items can be exported as HTML, CSV or simple text. In my case, thinking on the links I had in the Notes area, I exported to HTML. But the results were unexpected since only the title and the context of each task was exported, but not the notes nor the links attached.
The CSV file was not useful either for further treatment of the data, though the links were present.
In the end, only the export to a simple text file did it. I then paste the text to a note in nvAlt and save it. The links are usable and the text can be reformated later to my needs.
Deleting several projects in OmniFocus now...
By the way, if you have not seen the MacSparky field guide, go and buy it right now!
I have been testing the quality of night pictures taken with the iPhone 6 plus and I am quite happy.
The lights from Gran Via street seem a sea of light. And still the building is clear and visible.
I like the detail in the darkest places and the amount of light the camera is able to capture.
Plaza de Callao
Puerta del Sol
So, here I am. Testing this Squarespace thing for publishing my own blog.
I have decided this way of communication because sometimes I read something that needs commenting and other platforms are just not that easy for longer comments. You can always thank people on Twitter but that's not the same as putting whatever it is that caught my attention in perspective.
Also, I decided to write in English instead of my mother tongue Spanish. I might change my mind though...